Get A Girl Attracted To You

Here’s a few of ways to get a girl attracted to you. These are some that I use and continue to get results from…

1. She is the guest in your reality. Understand that she is not the center of your world. This is probably the biggest factor that will determine your success with women. A lot of men have this misconception that women are the ‘prize’ and therefore they try to please women whenever they can. Big mistake. A girl will only feel attracted to something that she has got to work for. Women take nice guys for granted – always.

2. Make her feel insecure. Some people tell you that making women feel secure is the best way to win them over. Absolute nonsense. You have to keep making her insecure – so that she worries whether you will stick her her or not. The more you do this – the more she will feel that she needs you.

3. Hide your attraction to her. Look, when she knows that you are crazy over her – it’s game over, buddy. Keeping her guessing your intentions is the name of the game. Make her confused, and you will win half the war.

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