Hormones Sexual Therapy Revives Love Life

Complications have utterly covered our lives and caused several mental-health problems. We come across with people suffering from depression, anxiety and various other addictions. With hormones sexual therapy, patients suffering from sex problems, in the majority of cases, afford to improve their love life and physical characteristics.

There is SRT (Sex Reassignment Therapy) which is also called gender reassignment. It is used for all medical procedures regarding sex reassignment of both intersexual and transgender people. The SRT consists of hormone replacement therapy to change secondary sex characteristics, surgery to modify primary sex characteristics and permanent hair removal for trans-women.

There is Hormone Replacement Therapy for transsexual men and women, causes the development of many of the secondary sexual characteristics of their desired sex.

Another sex hormone therapy is Chest Reconstruction Surgery for Male chest reconstruction and Breast implant. This process is done by binding of the chest tissue. The breast augmentation is also done.

But hormone replacement therapy varies person to person. It often takes psychological counseling. In that period, there is a test takes place which is known as “cross-living” or Real-Life-Test. If you’re a woman lacking in sex drive, it is imperative for you to take sex hormone therapy.

Most of us think how our hormones affect our sex lives. There are many women who accord their hormones are responsible for wrong in their sexual relationships. It is one of the commonest female problems is loss of sex desire. The sex therapy consultant understands our hormones and body.

Lots of research papers have put across so far but no any has yet managed to come up with any clear-cut result.

A woman’s ovaries produce large amounts of sex hormones – progesterone and oestrogen. They also produce small amounts of the male hormones – androstenedione and testosterone. But a common gland i.e., the pituitary gland secretes hormones: FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (Luteininsing Hormone), in both men and women.

Both sexes use Viagra to increase their sexual desire. Viagra is of little use because it has no effect on desire. There is no magic pill to you’re your problems. You need to make changes in your relationship.

Many sex experts are trying to deal with loss of libido. They believe lack of sympathy for partners has a great deal to do with a lack of sex drive.

Patients visit sex consultants because they understand that hormonal problem is the root cause of their unsatisfactory love-lives. The Hormone Sex therapy put this right in both men and women.

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