Relational Mastery: The Key To Success

Men can continue and continue to work on mastering themselves but if they don’t master their relationships with everything and everyone outside of them, they’re still going to be thrown into relationships of manipulation, coercion, disrespect and oppression often without
their own cognizance.

The reality is, if you don’t keep your power for yourself, you’re already in relationships with other people and sources that have the true relational power over you in that relationship.

Entire systems of programming are designed so that people are unaware of the actual amount of influence they are under.

Radio, t.v. and magazines are the perfect examples and I’ll just try and touch on some of them here as I cover them in other areas.

When looking at the world through the meta eyes of ‘relational dynamics’ we can see what’s ACTUALLY going on in reality.

We can look at the different types of relationships that people are in (including yours) and we can re-frame relationships around for power instead of oppression.

So for example, if you’re reading an FHM magazine with 100 pick-up lines (that don’t work) and every single one of them is grounded in the relationship they’re promoting for their own power (stimulus – response relationship of man being the response to the sexploited women), and then you’re seeing all of these gorgeous, flaunting ‘out of reach’ women in the magazine.

Then, you’re going to start thinking that women really DO have power, they’re the prize and that you don’t realistically have a chance.

So what do you do? Build up the fantasy even more, buy more magazines while actually ‘connecting’ with women in reality becomes even further away. All you see and judge them on becomes what you have conditioned to in the first place. You have no other basis or grounding.

All of this is rooted in the type of relationship you had with that source and the relationship with women you had through it.

The worst kind of relationship you can be in is where you are the conditioned response (powerless) to a given stimuli (power).

So many men are trying to master themselves and figure out how to ‘get’ the out of reach women they see that are similar to the mag models and it doesn’t work. Why?

Because the logic + emotion of all of that conditioning (stimulus-response) moved over to their subconscious mind. It affected their nonverbal behavior. They now operate out of a reality where these women are ALL out of their league.

Not only are they in the wrong relationship to women right then and now when they want to approach, they’ve been habitually conditioned to be the ‘response’ to the unnatural stimuli of

So now it doesn’t matter what pick-up lines they say, they’re just in the wrong relationship to women in the first place and their body language represents that.

And guess who is profiting here? It’s not you, you’re spending.

People only see what’s in front of them without being aware of the type of true relationship that exists. When you turn the radio on you will instantly ‘slip’ into a conditioned ‘response’ mode, just soaking up whatever ‘programming’ is coming through from the stimulus.

You have to be very careful. The Social Matrix is based on power and influence. It sends out programming signals to condition and influence people to ‘buy’ and take an action often without their own consciousness.

By DEFAULT, television is massively influential because of it’s inherent stimulus-response relationship it puts people into. People are being programmed and influenced all of the time.

The people think they are the ones with the true relational authority and power because of their ‘choice’ of programming but that’s only when they have the remote in their hand before they turn the t.v. on.

It’s still ‘programming’ that isn’t really adding ANY type of value to their lives, instead it’s taking value away and giving more power to the creators.

The type of relationship transforms immediately when you turn your brain off and soak up as a response the ‘message’ you are receiving.

Your brain focuses on taking in what is clearly in front of you so that you can’t even think about anything else.

The radio dj starts talking about his day and BAM, you’re INSTANTLY put into a response mode to their programming.

They now have ‘the power’ over you in that relationship. There’s no real equality or mutual respect.

Master your relationships and commit to interdependence only and you will be powerful and successful around other power and success.

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