Further Insight Into Female Social Behavior

Are women materialistic ‘gold-diggers’ or is this their social character and conditioning? For their ‘make benefit’ I can differentiate their actions and help justify their often erratic and nonsensical behavior.

For example when J.Lo sings ‘love don’t cost a thing’ and the next moment she is flashing off all her bling and only choosing guys with high social value, I can still differentiate that.

Most guys will get confused but she is actually right. Love doesn’t cost a thing but this is her natural

character speaking. Her social character which glamorizes materialism is a whole different matter (like, the OPPOSITE). She represents all of those characteristics within her entire character.

You also are not limited just to your ‘inner game’.

Remember that women will adapt to their social environment (generally more readily than men will).

This will continue to influence them and their behavior. Compare that to if a Paris Hilton wasn’t born into social royalty but instead in a village in a 3rd world country. She would have different influences from the wouldn’t be the same.

When you can realize the truth of what I call Causal influence and cultural differentiation, you’ll understand the root of the Inner and Social behavior any woman has.

So let’s take a Mariah Carey. A desirable female with a social leverage ratio of say 100,000,000:1 or the number of guys who would want to sleep with her. If you play the social game, you probably have a social leverage ratio 2:1 maybe.

If you want to have ANY chance with a woman like that, you HAVE TO BE equal in power in the first place. Unfortunately most guys just don’t have that level of similar social power in their character.

So if you’re not equal in power to 100,000,000:1 like she has, there is little chance of ‘scoring’ with a
woman like that.

Fortunately as a man, you have infinite power you can leverage in your Natural character. You have the ability to be relationally equal to her. How? By applying relational mapping and differentiating yourself from the social matrix itself. You can gain your true independence and not be thrown off by anything that comes from the social ‘game’ where her power lies.

As a man, you naturally have authority over women. That is the NATURAL way of things. So to succeed with extremely beautiful women, don’t play the social game of cutting her down and trying to rise yourself up.

Instead, BE powerful and truly equal in the FIRST place.

I am not afraid of any woman on earth anymore because I know my relationship to their power (no matter how wonderful or developed). I have the true power of one because I am leveraging power greater than me within my character.

Now I am able to respect them because I respect myself.

Other men who would want this level of independence can have it too. Too many men are just intimidated by women and the women don’t like it because it limits their options.

It’s not done through hypnosis, NLP, body language techniques and definitely NOT pick up lines. It can be achieved through applying alpha relational dynamics.

Women have changed a lot over the past 2 decades in the Westernized world. They are more independent than ever before so it’s up to you know what those behavioral characteristics mean to you and how they (should) affect you.

When you have clarity, you’ll know when to stop a woman from crossing your own boundaries such as not letting her (social character) use you as a gold-digging tool. You’ll know to work with the love don’t cost a thing part of her; her natural and pure character.

Your ability to differentiate these characteristic behaviors can often mean the difference between success and failure, bliss or divorce.

-Rion Williams

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